That 3 mn waiting time …

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Schwarzlos 4 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #5603


    Hello everyone,

    I wanna discuss with you all, that 3 mn gap between every time you wanna limit a device usage .. it’s way tooo much … let’s take an exemple of a situation where you are a free user, you wanna donwload something really fast and have about 10 devices that are connected to a network … 10 x 3 = 30 mn … it’s too much as i said … your only option is to buy premium ..

    I know you devs work hard on your product and saw how much netcut changed over a long time of using it .. naturally you wanna gain money .. that’s business … but if you wanna keep Netcut as Free .. you may consider thinking about these things … Why not implementig some alternatives .. i don’t mind seeing more ads .. adblock blockers .. auto-refrech evey 30 mn for more ads … just reduce that 3 mn waiting time .. at least for 30 s …

    I hope we can discuss this matter so we can find some better solutions : )


  • #5605


    thank you for the advices. extended Ads refresh doesn’t really works. so far still lots of user trying to by pass ad block. in fact, so many user has been use ad blocker has made us find the way to paid path.

    The paid service went well so far , we are grateful for the support.

    Maybe we need to think of a way to encourage free user generate revenue to support this model. not lots of user use netCut over 30 minutes. it is like set and let netCut work for you and forget about it.

  • #5609


    Hello again and thank you for your response …

    I know a lot of people are using adblockers .. some ads are innappropriate ( Po*nographic ads for ex in some websites ) so ppl block them … that’s just an exemple ..

    There is a way to generate revenue … Watching clean videos as ads for exemple ? no one is blocking that kind as far i know ..

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NetCut , arcai router, WIFI Speed control for MacOS X , Android and windows