NetCut Runs on MacOS X, Android (Root) and WINDOWS 10, 8, 7
Welcome to's MAC Address Brand /Company details checker
Input MAC address and hit "Query MAC Brand" Button
Example Mac address: 00-50-56-C0-00-08 or [00:50:56:C0:00:08]
Input in example format
"IP MAC Hostname
IP MAC Hostname"
just as if you copied from netCut print table
[F4:EC:38:60:3A:26] Peter-PC
How MAC address checker work
Ethernet hardware addresses are 48 bits, expressed as 12 hexadecimal digits (0-9, plus A-F, capitalized).
These 12 hex digits consist of the first/left 6 digits (which should match the vendor of the Ethernet interface within the station)
and the last/right 6 digits which specify the interface serial number for that interface vendor.
NetCut 3.0 —- The most powerful NetCut version (3.0) ever has been released. Works and cuts under all network environments.
RISK CONTROL: detect network security, IP/MAC address mapping, SmartPhone/iPhone/Android/Windows surface brand in your network, including their MAC address.
Arcai Router—- The hotspot soft router that has netCut feature built-in.
Speed control: Full netCut feature within a hotspot. Speed Control, App blocking, lagswitch. runs on windows 10/11 NetCut-defender 2.1.4 —The one and only tool can 100% guarantee your protection from’s NetCut cut and other ARP spoofing attacks.
NetCut for Android — Full-feature NetCut (including protection) on your Google Smart Phone: Free, Fast, Powerful, Easy to cut, Easy to protect Note: NetCut requires your phone to be rooted and grant Root access to NetCut. i.e: superuser Support from Android 2.3.3
Looking for Help about Netcut for Android, please see “NetCut for Android” help page
Looking for Help about NetCut, go to “What is NetCut“
Looking for help about’s NetCut defender, go to “what is NetCut-defender“
Looking for help to ROOT your Android Phone? go to Root Android Guide
Suggestions or Questions about NetCut? Please login and post comments to the relevant pages.
Unable to buy its pro version for my Android Mobile.
Click on “setting”
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Bagus banget