any other way to purchase 1 month full vesion other than PAYPAL

NetCut’s official site Forums Support forum netcut. Email support: [email protected] and Discord link below any other way to purchase 1 month full vesion other than PAYPAL

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  admin 6 years ago.

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  • #3203


    I dont have a paypal account and I am interested to buy a netcut 3.0 full version,I dont have a credit card so I cant create a paypal account which required in creating a paypal account,there is any other way to purchase a 1 month full version?any suggestion guys,thanks.

  • #3209


    you can buy via google pay. download netcut from google play. then click on buy one month. or one year . through pop up google payment. you can setup . I think google payment have more pay method than paypal.

    do you have a bank account?

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