cannot find other users, possible conflict with hotspot shield?

NetCut’s official site Forums Support forum netcut. Email support: [email protected] and Discord link below cannot find other users, possible conflict with hotspot shield?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  admin 8 years ago.

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  • #1386


    i have been using netcut for a while and I have had no trouble finding the other users connected to the wifi. however, I have recently installed hotspot shield and since then I have been unable to find anyone else on my wifi other than me and my router. I have another program called wireless network watcher and the same results come out, no other user except for me and the router. after uninstalling hotspot shield, this problem hasn’t been fixed. anyone have a solution to this? thx in advance

  • #1387


    your wireless router should have a setting called “AP isolation” . find it and disable it. it should back to normal.

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