disable speed control

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  admin 4 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #4648


    Hello, I have updated netcut and now when I click on the wireless icon of a user it only goes down one bar. I would like to netcut completely with 1 click . Is there an option to change that .

    to netcut someone I have to click 4 times or drag the bar to the left all way and sometimes that doesn’t work. It used to be 1 click and it goes all red on the left side.

    Thank you

  • #4650


    agree the confusion, changes is on it’s way.

  • #4724


    take a look of new version.

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NetCut , arcai router, WIFI Speed control for MacOS X , Android and windows