latest version "Problem" netcut service has stopped 'Android'

NetCut’s official site Forums Support forum netcut. Email support: [email protected] and Discord link below latest version "Problem" netcut service has stopped 'Android'

This topic contains 22 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  BetaV1 4 years, 9 months ago.

  • Author
  • #5110


    AFTER 2-3 hours of service running
    if i cut/slow someone from my wifi he get his internet back sometime its happen too after he change his ip
    In this moment i try to open netcut for know what happen i got in the first open “netcut service has stopped” than its open normal 2th open
    I belivs in this time befor i open and get the message “netcut service has stopped” the app already service stop

    Didnt happen to me befor version 1.7.9!
    How to fix this ??!pls help

  • #5111


    unfortunately arcai has stopped!

  • #5112


    hello BetaV1,

    when you switch off UI and leave service running. the service should continue run UNLess Android OS think your system has too much going on and randomly kill any running process.

    Something it happen right after you switch off UI. this is not something new. only thing changed in 1.7.9 is the Pro price change.

    hope this helps.

    did you install something new or janitor process ?

  • #5113


    I dont think so but i will check thanks for infos now i know where to start

  • #5114



  • #5119


    Admin, i did factory data reset lol but didnt fix the problem ??!
    I start to think this from your apk cuz i didnt have this problem in the old VERSION pls help !!

  • #5120


    when you switch off UI. does the service quit right away ? or it keep running , but randomly quit itself?

  • #5121


    which version of Android you running?

    The service keep running after UI swith off. tested working as expected.

    when UI been killed . the service still kept running.

    Their is no code change in service to the recent update. however, 1.7.8 has wrong service. so make sure you use the latest version.

    Ref below of our testing of 1.7.9. we use OnePlus2 on Android 5.1.1

    u0_a103 28808 484 1899044 133024 ffffffff f7661a90 S com.arcai.netcut
    root 29120 29115 164808 4708 ffffffff f7379f54 S /data/data/com.arcai.netcut/files/netcut
    root@OnePlus2:/ # ps | grep netcut
    u0_a103 28808 484 1895876 132984 ffffffff f7661a90 S com.arcai.netcut
    root 29120 29115 164808 4708 ffffffff f7379f54 S /data/data/com.arcai.netcut/files/netcut
    root@OnePlus2:/ # ps | grep netcut
    u0_a103 28808 484 1885308 133612 ffffffff f7661a90 S com.arcai.netcut
    root 29120 29115 164808 4784 ffffffff f7379f54 S /data/data/com.arcai.netcut/files/netcut
    root@OnePlus2:/ # ps | grep netcut
    u0_a103 28808 484 1885228 133060 ffffffff f7661a90 S com.arcai.netcut
    root 29120 29115 164808 4784 ffffffff f7379f54 S /data/data/com.arcai.netcut/files/netcut
    root@OnePlus2:/ # ps | grep netcut
    u0_a103 28808 484 1885228 133060 ffffffff f7661a90 S com.arcai.netcut
    root 29120 29115 164808 4784 ffffffff f7379f54 S /data/data/com.arcai.netcut/files/netcut
    root@OnePlus2:/ # ps | grep netcut
    u0_a103 28808 484 1884172 133264 ffffffff f7661a90 S com.arcai.netcut
    root 29120 29115 164808 4784 ffffffff f7379f54 S /data/data/com.arcai.netcut/files/netcut
    root@OnePlus2:/ # ps | grep netcut
    u0_a103 28808 484 1884172 133264 ffffffff f7661a90 S com.arcai.netcut
    root 29120 29115 164808 4784 ffffffff f7379f54 S /data/data/com.arcai.netcut/files/netcut
    root@OnePlus2:/ # ps | grep netcut
    root 29120 1 164808 4784 ffffffff f7379f54 S /data/data/com.arcai.netcut/files/netcut
    root@OnePlus2:/ # ps | grep netcut
    root 29120 1 164808 4784 ffffffff f7379f54 S /data/data/com.arcai.netcut/files/netcut
    root@OnePlus2:/ # ps | grep netcut
    root 29120 1 164808 4784 ffffffff f7379f54 S /data/data/com.arcai.netcut/files/netcut
    root@OnePlus2:/ # ps | grep netcut
    root 29120 1 164808 4784 ffffffff f7379f54 S /data/data/com.arcai.netcut/files/netcut

  • #5122


    I test it by cut internet my own tablet/iphone
    by root phone android version 5.0.2
    When i switch off it keep running but idk when it happen.
    i just keep refrech random site in google every 15-30min for check the connect after this internet is back.
    i go back to arcain app and try to open it first time i open after switch to off UI i got message “unfortunately arcai has stopped!” then i try to open it 2th time open normal if i did switch off UI it happen again

  • #5123


    Iam 100% sure it the latest version i check it from app info

  • #5124


    don’t blame me to test :(. i just want to give you my full experience
    I try alot to search in google for working old version of your app for check if this problem from app or my device so
    I found v1.4.9 i test it
    1-it work normal in off UI no problems 5hours without stop
    2- ofc i cant keep ues this old version cuz i get stuck
    On connecting netcut service and cant see after the stuck the list of devices.

  • #5130


    Admin, Is there a solution to the problem?!

  • #5133


    hello BetaV1,

    can you help do test as

    1. instead of quit but keep service running. use one of system tool to kill the app. see if the service still running.

    let me know.

    I will check further too on this.

  • #5134


    when netCut UI (APP) been destoryed , the service might still running. however, if your start the APP (re-born). the app will kill previous running netCut service by start a new one. this is ensure netCut don’t run over old data. it is by design and not something new.

    can you try this?

    next time you found the CUT off is not working, instead of reopn netCut. try to do a
    1. adb shell
    2. su
    3. ps | grep netcut

    see if netcut service has gone.

    because if you open netCut app. for sure it will kill netCut service and restart a new one if the APP is fresh start one (instead of bring from background).

  • #5139


    This catlog for error when happen
    Sure i will try this

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by  BetaV1.
  • #5141

  • #5142


    I will do this
    1. adb shell
    2. su
    3. ps | grep netcut
    and will send you pic as soon i can 👍

  • #5143


    View post on

    Plus this cut still working
    Ok this time i didnt reopen .
    In this device(target) have no connect now i try to change ip address 4times(everytime new ip) afters this internet back for almost 1min and gone again maybe this something to do with your new update

    But i still have problem of this error message hope you can fix it

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by  BetaV1.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by  BetaV1.
  • #5146


    so the service is working alone when UI is completely gone. this inline with the design and expected.

    when you change the ip, the service can still catch that. but the service will valid the old IP and remove that IP in 57 seconds. the new IP however should be pick up just as if any new device appear in your network.

    again, this has nothing todo with the update. remmber: no code change in service. only price change.

    Re error message? App crashed when not at front ? we can’t do anything with that, as background app might been blocked or ignored or killed randomly by OS. not user, or app. plus, it should not bother your usage, since as soon as your reopen netcut, it will start a new service and pick up the saved JALED devices and , start working on it.

    take easy .

  • #5147


    and the service was running alone. before you reopen netCut. so it might be lost 1 second control , if when reopen and UI was dead.

  • #5148


    Ik its now not a big deal but still annoying :3 why i should open it x2 time 😂 but for real
    cant be from my os
    If this true
    Why my old versions of this app work perfect
    Iam old user very old one i try alot of your update versions in my phone and all with perfect without annoying message

  • #5149


    hmm. the crash message you gave is useful. might be one of the underlayer package we use updated when recompile. have digger deeper.when we have more effort on this.

  • #5150


    Please, do not forget . .
    Sorry to bother you
    I love this app
    I want to see it always perfect 💜💛💚💙
    Have a nice day

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