Netcut 2.1.4 and being forced to update

This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  admin 4 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #4042


    Hello id like to know if there is a way for the old software users to get around the update notification so we are able to use the V2.1.4 I don’t want to use the new 3.0 because it forces me to open my web browser and Im a low spec pc user, this means everytime i have to use it i end up spending a big chunk of my ram thanks to Chrome.

    Also the V3 console frequently shows issues when it comes to disconnecting certain users on my network.

    Again i just want to use the old Version.


  • #4044


    could you share what kind of issue when it disconnect users on your network? 2./1.4 can not do speed control. and we are in progress to do lots of changes in new version. some of the cool stuff like be able to know what are my kids doing now, get netcut on your phone etc. instead of just cut off.

    Stay tuned. I understand old version user like good old time for sure. it is time to move on.

  • #4049


    Error Closing connection : Invalid State.
    Is the flag the Netcut_windows console shows some times.
    Also its a little crud being forced to change Versions when you don’t really want to, anyways i downloaded the android edition and i still present this issue.

  • #4050


    invalid State means netCut trying to restart when network adapter status changed. it suppose to be a debug info, not a issue to be simply put.

    is cut off, speed control working well?

  • #4052


    cut off is really unstable tbh, i browse my router traffic info and i see that sometimes the same devices that i cutoff still get packets or when i limit their speed they still pull more bytes than i (im downloading stuff and they are just browsing using their phones)

  • #4054


    if speed limit works,cut should works too. you can verify it by try to do a speed test when speed limit.

  • #4055


    you need to keep netCut running when speed limit or CUT off all time as usual.

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