Netcut Break WIFI !


This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  QuentinDark27 7 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #2078


    Hello, I installed Netcut on my computer and 2 month later, impossible to connect to wifi ! to oblige to connect by cable
    ! I installed netcut on my old PC and 1 month after the same problem appeared. after i installed the new version of netcut on my new computer, and still this problem ! Your software has a virus that is harmful for the network card so I do not recommend people to install it (at your risk and I would have warned you) I found no solution to repair the wifi !

    Bye !

  • #2079


    have you tried to restart your WIFI router?

  • #2080


    yea. I tried everything, uninstalled, reinstalled drivers, updated drivers, I even formatted the PC to the factory value and it did not work. on the other hand I had truvé a strange thing when I blocked an intruder on my network, the wifi uses more what has to use. I have to look on forums for mmon problem and none have been solved by a network card change

  • #2081


    Quand je veux me conneter au wifi un message d’erreur apparait : windows n’a pas pu se connecter à ….

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