Netcut broke my PC.

This topic contains 13 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  admin 5 years ago.

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  • #3047


    Thanks alot. Your “Netcut” broke my PC. Let me explain:

    Exactly 1 week and 5 days ago I made a complaint to you guys, saying that Netcut broke my Wi-Fi. You told me to reboot my router. I did so. It fixed my router, but broke my PC. Now I can no longer connect to any networks. When I try to connect to a network, it automatically blocks all internet access to my devices, and I can’t use the Wi-Fi without rebooting the router and keeping this PC disconnected. I’ve tried to reset my PC several times, but this is a recurring issue, and I don’t think it can be fixed. Thanks alot, Netcut. You broke my 400$ Laptop, and it’s basically a brick now. Don’t tell me to buy a Wi-Fi card, because that’s stupid.

    God, I was an idiot to use Netcut and believe it was actually a good thing. I fucking hate myself for being foolish enough to use Netcut.

    If you have any solutions to this problem, tell me now. Otherwise, go die in a hole.

  • #3048


    Try uninstall netcut. Reboot.

    Also, have you used some tool to modify your Mac address? When it been set to gateways Mac address it might blocking every users including itself. Try to reset it back to default.

    When you say you reset your PC,can you explain how you did it?

  • #3049


    I uninstalled Netcut. It’s already uninstalled since I did a reset, right?

    Yes, I think I may have modified my MAC before, but shouldn’t it have returned to normal by now?

    I resetted my PC by going into settings, and finding “Reset this PC”. Then I also tried to do a recovery reset, which reinstalled all the drivers.

  • #3050


    And how do I return my MAC to it’s defaults?

    Excuse my double posting.

  • #3051


    There is a registray setting to set the Mac, I am on my phone at the moment. When I get hold of a pc tonight I can try to find it.

    Also, the tool that set the Mac address usually be able to reset back to default.

    Your laptop should be able to connect to other wifi network than your current problem wifi network, yes? If yes, that confirm the Mac address is the cause.

    Reinstall driver does not reset the Mac address to default. The setting reset does not change Mac back to default neither.

  • #3052


    Yes, my Wi-Fi can connect to other networks, but automatically blocks internet access to my xbox, phone, and other pcs

  • #3053


    you mean when your PC connect to your local WIfi, it block everyone. and on other WIFI it works fine. yes?

    I suggest you use the same tool that changed your MAC address to reset it back if you still have the tool. it is safer that way.

    and I found this online, which should work.

    2 Ways to Change MAC Address on Windows 10 / 8 / 7

    method 1:
    for your case, you need to unset the Network Address value to “Not present”

    en disable and re-enable netcard.

    also, I hope we are clear by now that netcut has nothing todo with your WIFI can not connect to your local router now.

    let me know.


  • #3054


    Alright, thanks for responding. I’ll look at that later. I’ll let you know. And by a tool changing my MAC address I think Netcut may have modified it somehow.

    And you’re right, Netcut had nothing to do with my Wi-Fi but I think it did something to my PC’s wireless adapter.

  • #3055


    I changed my IP address, and it didn’t work, although I did notice something.

    When I typed in the site loaded, but after like 20 seconds it said “no internet access” and all my devices disconnected. I think my PC is somehow blocking access to other devices, as well as itself.

  • #3056


    I got help from somebody on Windows 10 help forums. They fixed my PC. Sorry for lashing out on you earlier. Thanks for your help.

    • #3742



      Could you possibly link the forum you used to fix this issue, I’m having a simliar one. I jailed a user temporarily, after removing them from jail and unistalling the program they still can’t access the internet. Any help would be appreciated.

  • #3743


    have you tried reboot your PC and router?

  • #3746


    I have yes, I’ve tried rersetting everything to it’s defaults, Resetting network settings but nothing has worked the pc still won’t connect it keeps giving the error ethernet doesn’t have a valid IP adress.

  • #3748


    have you tried reboot your wireless router?

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