Netcut broke my Wifi ?

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  admin 6 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #3007


    I recently started using Netcut today, to test it and remove people from my network. After I used it, I couldn’t resume the normal connection, and when I tried to connect my XBox, it would say that it was offline. Same with my PS4. And with my laptop and phone, I can only visit this website, and if I try to go to different websites, it says that it “timed out”. This is really frustrating and annoying, so if anyone could get back to me it would be deeply appreciated.

  • #3008


    which version are you using? Android or windows?

    I suggest you reboot your router for first step.

    there is one version of netcut having this issue, and been fixed in last version 1.6.3, can you download it from google play and reboot your phone to try again?

    Make sure you resume the cut off device .


  • #3009


    I’m using Windows. How do I reboot my router?

  • #3010


    I’m trying to restart my router using Telnet, but when I try to login it says:

    (None) Login:

    And when I go the IP address in the Windows Settings, its a bunch of long letters and numbers. And the manufacturer says Intel, which is my Laptop. I don’t think it should be doing that.

  • #3011


    your router is your wire less router. if you are running at home, unplug the power and re-plug back after 3 seconds usually do reboot, and has no impact.

    if you are in a public network, you can’t do anything but wait local netadmin to restart the AP router

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NetCut , arcai router, WIFI Speed control for MacOS X , Android and windows