NetCut doesn't show all connected users

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  hellupinharlem 7 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #1434


    i run netcut as administrator but when it opens it doesn’t show all users connected…it only shows my IP and gateway IP and nothing else.
    I also have WinPcap 4.1.3 and running Win8.1 64bit

    It might be that my roommate has changed something in router settings….How do i know if he did something that doesn’t make netcut work properly?

  • #1443


    Netcut has been having serious problems on windows. Right now there is a very obvious and known problem where if your ISP and/or Administrator handling your website (whichever is the case) has Mask IP on, Netcut absolutely, positively will 1. not work, 2. not show all connected clients, 3. block/stop traffic from the mask IPs, as they are fake. This is especially a problem on Mikrotek routers.

  • #1447



    What’s mask IP means please?

    Also, have you tried to use netcut for Android to see if it works?


    • #1456


      Mask IP means that the webmaster can Mask the original IP, as in hide its identity, with a fake one. Equivalent to MAC cloning. I posted the problem and all the evidence I had in my original post where I asked was netcut broken.

      This is something that can be NATIVELY done in the router, especially mikrotek routers.

      If a web admin changes the IP from to 198.583.10.2-255, then all netcut will show is the 198 address which will NOT disconnect said users from the net. It will say it does, but it does not. Unless there is a work around to reveal the true IP of, netcut will not work.

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