netcut for marshmallow and windows 10


This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Qyu88 8 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #742


    i also have same problem. also not working on windows 10 an error shown
    error:packerrecivepacket faild.
    and write click menu is not showing on any wifi connection nighter its blocking. i have marshmallow but not working. some of people are using internet but i also know them. so i cannot block them but i have blocked there bandwidth with NETCUT but now i have marshmallow but….
    please release an update atleast for marshmallow..

  • #743


    for windows 10 netcut, it is working fine, you just need make sure you netcut is running as Admin , and select right netcard.

    I just tested , working fine.

    If not running as admin, it might give errors or not be able to detect other users.

    • #759


      it works but only for cutting. nighter i can refresh net nor scan. also right click menu is not working. have you any other idea to name a mac address for example my name shows on my mac address.?

  • #758


    Is netcut for windows only able to windows 7 64 bit?????Isn’t it compatible windows 8 or 8.1??????

    If i install windows 10 on my MAC via BOOTCAMP,will it work?

    Can’t you help the MAC users?

    Do you use netcut on Samsung Galaxy s7 edge?Recently,I wanna buy it.if it is running on this device,i will buy it asearlier as possible.

    Please reply me.

  • #760


    i’m using netcut around 4 years never have a problem before today when i open netcut from my windows 10 pc it only show the splash start and then disappear . it doesn’t open neither shown in system tray icon but it is running in task manager. netcut won’t close by end process and end process tree in task manager, access denied. i tried uninstall,clean netcut registry then reinstall couples time still doesn’t fix the problem. i even restore my windows 10 and it only fix at the 1st used before the pc restart then the problem happen again.. what should i do ?

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