NetCut Have Problems And Need To Be Fixes


This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  TheCrazyLions 7 years ago.

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  • #2191


    sup developerz im playng league of legends. when i had windows 10. netcut was awesome, im was cutting my sister internet speed 75%, and it was working im was playng without lag, but after virus raped my computer and my dog , i downloaded windows 8.1 (cuz its better for my pc) soo the problem is after i downloaded netcut(and installed wincap automatically ofcourse) it was working??? i opened it, and tryed to cut my sister wifi, but it does anithing, its shows like its cutted but beleive me its not hes using everithing youtube,fb,..esc i tryed to cut 100% but still didnt worked,. can u help me?? thanks 🙂

  • #2192


    try to use windows 10. or make sure you run netcut setup as admin

  • #2194


    i cant use windows 10, i run instalation using administrator privilegies but still didnt work

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