netcut pro isnt working

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  admin 4 years, 11 months ago.

  • Author
  • #4115


    I have made a payment for one month three times with transaction id 81A734323E152892U, 9R756578TT456114L, 4DF30454XP931623T but my account status didnt change
    UID : gameblink

  • #4117


    next time when you buy, please login into netCut Pro , then buy. our system shows your payment went to though at different UID than gameblink . that binding to your MAC address, if you changed address or login as other UID, you wont be able to use the pro membership.

    Please login s gameblink and click refresh. it is now all extended to that ID.
    2020-06-27 04:06:53

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