Questions regarding pro and features

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  admin 4 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #4422


    Hi, i have two questions i couldnt find the answer for.

    1) What does the pro subscription include? What “cool functions” are there?

    2) Will there ever be a way to see how much bandwitdh an user is using (up/down in mb) and will there ever be a way to limit one’s bandwitch accurately and not with a random slider? A way you can exactly give X mb to an ip and Y to another?


  • #4423


    good question, exactly we are working on.

    Pro function: netlock. speed limit all.
    btw, we are changing into ensure the function are used by network owner to be responsive so network will be truly owned by home owner.

    2. next release will include this speed in details. (combined up and down). the actual speed is 50MB, 10MB 1MB reflect to slider.

  • #4610



    Now you can see how the speed of the user in real time and accurate number.

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