This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  admin 4 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #5861


    Speed control sometimes does not work, I am limiting the other devices to 100kbps but they sometimes manage to reach beyond it (1-3mbps). How can I fix this? I am paying the pro subscription.

  • #5864


    do you have a screenshot of the spike ? 1-3 mpbs should not last longer than 1 seconds.

    allow me to explain how the speed report works.

    as the speed calc is base on per 50 mili seconds. so sometimes you do see spike, but it should not last longer than 1 second.

    also, due to the display setting taking too much CPU. you may see the speed report idle on old speed for seconds.

    You can verify the speed by try to limit your own phone and do a speed test.

  • #5869


    it works on my phone but it does not limit the speed on this certain android device. It always exceeds 100kpbs.

  • #5870


    I suggest you verify that speed at the android device.

    like, how much more does it exceeds? calc timing different could look different. if you set 100KB, and speed reach to 1MB for longer than 10 seconds. it not right.
    however , if you set it to 100KB, and spead reach to 1MB less than few seconds, it is just the way calc timing different.

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