Uninstall reason.

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  admin 4 years, 9 months ago.

  • Author
  • #5065


    Hi, i was using netcut for a long time but recent updates are just ridiculous. Free version have less features and i agree with that. Wanted to show ads? No problem i disabled adblocker, happy that i can support in free version by having ads loaded. But even with milions of ads in every column and everywhere you can, you can still only do 1 action per few minutes? I can even stand this if that was per device but i got big middle finger up to my face. Want to disconnect more users to test brandwith while only you using network? Sure go wait for ducking 50 minutes to disconnect few users. Good software that turned into bullshit. Woudnt recommend anymore.

  • #5068


    welcome to the forum .

    there are couple of way to get free Pro easily. ie : if you use netCut for game, you have a way to show how netCut help you, a youtube video, or blog post. if you post it here and have some existing netCut user responded. you will get free Pro.

    Check your arcai login in netCut pro.

    The way netCut been working has been free open, it has some part that someone freely test/cut of in public network, not a good way to use netCut. we are in process to address this and keep the good user (that use netcut at his own home/game environment.)

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NetCut , arcai router, WIFI Speed control for MacOS X , Android and windows