where i use netcut running my device reboot automatically

NetCut’s official site Forums Support forum netcut. Email support: [email protected] and Discord link below where i use netcut running my device reboot automatically

This topic contains 13 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  [email protected] 4 years, 7 months ago.

  • Author
  • #5435

    [email protected]

    hello i have netcut running official website dawnload
    also iam pro mamber for one-year program
    my login id is – [email protected]

    ihave Redmi mi 5plus rooted device
    i having issues for net cut application too many times
    when i was connected my Wi-Fi ( D-Link ,2750u ) connection & iwas use netcut running for cut intarnet other devices issue when I was connect & use this application is netcut that after 2 (two ) minutes my mobile phone is restart automatically .

    where i do not working on net cut application that’s was working complete 👍
    when startthe netcut my mobile waas reboot again & again restart

    so help me with the give this issue
    my contact number – oman ( +96896323841 )
    also this email id helping message becouse ihave many times asked this question but your teams are Ripley

  • #5436


    when you start netCut and your mobile phone reboot, was netCut speed control / CUT off some devices ?

    try do disable defender.

    Also, was the phone been installed cracked version of netcut from somewhere before?

  • #5439

    [email protected]

    no iave original official varson install but why this problem please provide me solutions me
    becouse I was paying one year payment

  • #5440

    [email protected]

    i don’t install cracked varsion . i was installed official website arcai.com letest version
    bu why this problem to automatically restart my mobile after active & running this application
    i can’t understand
    iwas chack all information about my device my device is ok to use but after running this application that’s was problem to restart & reboot again again restart

  • #5441


    Have you tried disable defender?

    when you start netCut and your mobile phone reboot, was netCut speed control / CUT off some devices ?

  • #5444

    [email protected]

    i was tried to disable defender .also but it’s not working also i do as well all tried but not going issue . application strat after few minutes my mobile has reboot automatically restarted
    give me other parfact saggtion to helpful please becouse I am do all all sattings check it’s good
    how can create issue i can’t can’t understand

    before last 6 months items is good working but few day create a new issues help hepl dear Admin
    what’s I do ?

  • #5445

    [email protected]

    send me directly link letest application
    if you can fix this problem & issue please becouse i nead this use application always use in my Wi-Fi

  • #5447


    the last version is http://www.arcai.com/netCut/upgrade/android_netcut/arcai.com.netcut.apk

    The last change we have was price change on Mobile 1 months ago.

    Since when did you have the issue? was netCut working fine for you before?

  • #5450

    [email protected]

    yes this issue last 15 day before this application is working good & also device . but last 15 day when i connect netcut running after automatically reboot mobile Phone again again

    when i was not connect & turned off netcut application after not reboot
    i cant understand what’s problem ?

  • #5451


    It is not clear why it happen . no code changes in last 15 days in mobile apk . neither with the backend. I can confirm that OnePlus , Nexux6p, and Samsung J5 S4, are working normally .

  • #5453

    [email protected]

    i have Redmi 5plus rooted device . ok
    I have many time told you befor few day when i was opened net cut application & cut other user to my Wi-Fi
    after few minutes my mobile was reboot
    agine again

  • #5455


    there is no code change in last 15 days. well, actually there is no code change that running at root level for last 5 months. hope this help you troubleshooting in order to use netCut.

    Has your phone been updating recently?

  • #5456

    [email protected]

    no I can’t update recent .
    ther for why is issue ?
    last i have updated last year’s

  • #5457

    [email protected]

    if you help me or not tell me becouse iwas tried to this issue . also i was many time told you
    if you’re not understand why you not set some settings
    i do not telling & get help becouse your again again again ask questions about about
    ok don’t worry you’re not understand i would like to remove parmant remove this application becouse i am tried

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