1. A concrete tool/support to override a router’s OS features that can mask IPs that render netcut useless (please see my thread on Netcut and Mikrotik).
2. Better tools that can change your Mac Address or clone it to the target AP mac. Many existing mac addresses do not work, and netcut does not work unless it follows the following: Under Windows 7 and later, the possible range of spoofed addresses for wireless adapters that can be set is limited. To be used by Windows, a spoofed MAC address should have 0 as a least significant bit (unicast) and 1 as a second least significant bit (locally administered) in the second nibble. Thus possible values for the second nibble are limited to 2, 6, A and E.
3. A stealth mode that allows for a diagnostic on targets that you want to cut off (something that concretely says its a mobile device, or a computer, or a server, or even a camera system) since I’ve never seen the names of targets using Netcut PC, and Netcut android is hit or miss on what the devices are.
4. A crash report button on netcut PC that goes directly to you guys.
5. More beta testing for future PC releases so we can keep the dialog going on things that work/don’t work more urgently.