How about say it is basically an advance version lag switch. that it allows you LAG at one way only. normal lag switch stop traffic both way(in/out)
A. lag at incoming only , and no lag at outging. this let your game client refuse take status update from server, but keep talking to server with it’s current status. (strgenth, energy, point , level)
B. Lag at Outgoing only, and no Lag at incoming, this let your game maintain online status, spending local resource, without save the spending back to server.
Can you try to use Rj45 cable connection , it should work too to control devices in same LAN. (WIFI and CABLE)
Netcut works this way that when it control those device speed, those packet route through the PC runs netCut. so you will need a strong WIFI connection if you trying to control many devices.
Please check your paypal payment setting, it shoud has no subscription. as the payment title shows, your buying is one time payment only. we may enable subscription in the future. if we do, we will update the payment title.
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